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  • 联系人:蔡恒强
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        由5户农户组成,种植地位于湖北省随州市草店镇王子城乡老鸹村,是神农的出生地;此处位于大别山山脉,这里群山耸立,树林茂密,地广人稀,山清水秀,四季分明;农民世代以种植为生,近年随着种植技术的推广,香菇、木耳、板栗、茶叶的种植技术逐步得到农民的撑握,种植规模也在进一步扩大。老鸹村拥有个人承包地1000多亩,种植香菇95000多袋、木耳65000多支、板栗700多亩、天麻10多亩、茶叶300多亩……产量稳定、质量好,由于受太阳辐射和季风环流的季节性变化的影响,这里阳光充足、无霜期较长、严寒酷暑时间较短;再加上土壤肥沃,这造就了产品生长周期长、肉质厚;在种植时,无施加任何添加剂,生长剂的东西,就连菇棚里的小虫、蚂蚁也是养小鸡去捉的,浇水是用小溪里的泉水,因些这里的产品称的上是真正的绿色食品。(There are more than 1000 mu farming area contracted by farmers, planting 95000 packages of mushrooms, 65000 pcs of agarics, 700 mu area of chestnut, 10 mu area of rhizoma gastrodiae, and 300 mu area of tea. With ample sunshine and raining, short period of frost and frigidity, and all the most, the fertile soil makes goods quality of the plants. No additives are needed for the plants. Even the bugs and ants are killed by chickens. Planting water is from the streams. The plants here are really the true green food.)产品的品种也多、齐全。香菇类分为椴木香菇和袋料香菇;每种菇又有光面菇、黑面菇、茶花菇、花菇、大片菇、筛下菇;木耳为椴木种植,有春耳、秋耳、夏耳、冬耳、冬耳单片;板栗有大红袍、大油栗;天麻有人工培植的,也有天然野生;茶类有绿茶和铁观音,还有自已磨的茶油;其它附带产品像土鸡、土鸭也有一些(There are many varieties of products. Mushrooms are divided by basswood and package. Every kind of mushroom has the name of smooth surface mushroom, black surfacemushroom, tea flower mushroon, flower mushroom, big mushroom, tiny mushroom; The agarics are of basswood planting. There are divided by four seasons; The chestnut has big red and big oilly types. The rhizoma gastrodiae has natural and human planting types; The tea has green tea of Tie Guanyin, and also the tea oil. Moreover, natural chickens and ducks are also available here)在产品销售上,经过多年的努力,我们采用用户与农户直接对接的方式,将产品直接销到用户手上,减少了中间流通环节,尽量为消费者得到实惠,产品基本上做到了自产自销。After years of effort, we’ve set up a direct selling model from the farmer to the consumer, with middle forwarding procedures. This guarantees the true favor for consumers..
公司名称: 蔡恒强 公司类型: 个体经营 ()
所 在 地: 湖北/随州市 公司规模:
注册资本: 未填写 注册年份: 2015
资料认证:   企业资料通过认证
保 证 金: 已缴纳 0.00
经营范围: 香菇,天麻,板栗,木耳,桔梗,小磨香油,木瓜,银杏,土鸡,土鸭,土鹅,腊肉,香肠,板鸭,车云山毛尖,安溪铁观音
茶叶 粮油 食用菌
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